Introduction to Newton Raphson Method
Introduction to Newton-Raphson method Newton-Raphson method 是一种在实数域和复数域上近似求解方程的方法,该方法利用函数 $f(x)$ 的泰勒级数的前几项来求 $f(x) = 0 $ 的根。 Theory 欲求连续可微函数 $f(x) = 0$ 的根,步...
Introduction to Newton-Raphson method Newton-Raphson method 是一种在实数域和复数域上近似求解方程的方法,该方法利用函数 $f(x)$ 的泰勒级数的前几项来求 $f(x) = 0 $ 的根。 Theory 欲求连续可微函数 $f(x) = 0$ 的根,步...
C++ 语言的 IO 包括标准 IO、文件 IO 以及内存IO(即从 string 读取数据,从 string 写入数据)。 8.1 IO 类 标准库定义的 IO 类型有: 头文件 作用 类型 iostream 定义了用于读写流的基...
This blog entry is the changelog of my blog site. The content is sorted from the newest to the oldest. April 2022 Refurbished blog with Hugo, host by vercel. By the way, vercel is really amamzing platform. November 2020 [Deprecate] Started a CS knowledge base with VuePress for the purpose of recording the awesome CS content I involved in and added CNAME cs....